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JOIN OUR PREVIEW CLASSES AUGUST 18TH AND 20TH (Register for Stroller Strides or Body Boost)

Let’s be honest…#themotherhoodisreal. So we designed a program for moms looking to get back into a workout routine. Whether you can make time for yourself when kids are at school or after work when you have childcare or you've worked out regularly for the past few years or haven't had a consistent workout routine...Body Well is the perfect place to start, no matter your season of motherhood.

Our Body Well program is about the journey -- about taking 8 weeks just for you, one day at a time -- for your body and soul. In this 8-week program, you will join our mamahood sisterhood; a community full of support, encouragement, and TLC. Beyond the workout portion of this program, you will also gain access to educational resources that will teach you how to manage stress (amongst the craziness of mom-life), sleep better so you feel well-rested (even with lack of sleep), and nourish your body with nutrient-dense, whole-foods and simple ingredients (with a full nutrition and recipe guide).

Our next session begins September 22nd!

How does a session work?
We have made this program extremely flexible to meet the needs of #allthemoms. After you register for the program, we ask that you choose at least 16 classes that you are most likely able to attend for the 8 week session. You can choose from any of the classes on our schedule, but we like you to try to come to Body Boost when you can. Then you will login and register ahead for all of your classes. If you need to make changes along the way, YOU CAN! We ask that you try to cancel ahead if you won't make class and we recommend that you pick the date you will reschedule at the same time. You should plan to come to at least two classes every week, but you can come to as many as you want, including Stroller Strides classes. We have both in person and virtual options, as well as Video On Demand.

Bodt Boost classes are:
Tuesday/Thursday 6:15am online
Wednesday/Friday 6am online
Sunday 9:30am in person
Tuesday 9:30am in person
Thursday 4:30pm in person

We also have recorded workouts you can use when you are unable to make live classes. We will invite you to a private Facebook Group that has all of the recorded workouts.

Finally, as a SUPER BONUS, your Body Well registration gives you access to unlimited Fit4Mom classes and Fit4Mom On Demand, with a variety of class formats and lengths to fit your needs any time, any day. We want you to come to class as much as possible!

What are moms saying about Body Well?

(Maria) The variety and flexibility (of the classes) is amazing - in person classes for different fitness levels every day and virtual and on demand classes to fit into the busy days of moms. I highly recommend the Body Well program - a great program which teaches you small changes you can incorporate into your daily life to make you feel better. You will not only improve your fitness but also learn about nutrition and overall well-being.

(Zuz) I loved the weekly guidance, the consistency in working out schedules, the fact that this experience pushed me outside of my comfort zone but everybody was supportive and non judge mental so that I didn’t give up.

(Amalia) Body Well's success is in Heather's commitment to give us a challenging, diverse set of exercises each session; the weekly emails with topics to focus on - allowing a full week of focus on one good habit at a time made it more feasible to implement; and the support system of the group. Gamificiation - I loved the Bingo game!

(Jessica) Body Well is a lot about accepting who you are and where you are, and then using that information to empower yourself.

(Sinead) I am so proud of myself for committing to this program and I saw huge changes and I really hope to continue with all of these changes. A huge shout out to Heather Milotich, such a fantastic instructor. As a Mom I am really bad at putting myself first but I did this time and me and my family are benefiting from a happier, more chilled out, less anxious, less grumpy Mama.

(Vanessa) Absolutely LOVED my first transformation (perhaps it was the stellar crew of gals around me?!) I'm not sure what I was expecting - but it certainly wasn't the energetic, conscious and challenging endeavor it turned out to be. Also, wildly successful (-15 lbs).

(Helena) This session was my best so far. Something clicked inside me, I'm actually enjoying eating healthy, looking forward to my vegetables and not craving junk food. And when I take my kiddos for a treat, I just treat myself too without guilt. I managed to reach my water goals of a gallon per day, which is crazy because I think by now I know every single restroom in every restaurant in San Carlos hahahaha. And I lost about 9lbs! I'm beyond happy! My goal was to reach my 40th bday feeling great and I do feel like I'm on my best shape in a loooooong time. Thanks Heather for always being the kindest and push us hard and Michele for being absolutely amazing. So happy to be part of this village!!!

*Body Well is not appropriate for expectant moms, but Body Boost classes are fine as long as you are cleared by your doc- please check out our Stroller Strides or Stroller Barre classes! Based on our experience, it is much better to wait until you have started getting decent sleep at night and your daytime routine is fairly normal - this often is at around 6 months postpartum. Your body will also have had time to heal!

Cancellation policy This course is non-refundable and non-transferable. Makeups can be made in any in person or virtual classes, but please let your coach know which classes you will be attending and make sure you pre-register for them.
No upcoming schedule